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OSTF Minutes 5-2-2005
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of May 2, 2005

Meeting Called To Order:  5:38 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:55 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow

MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Heffler, Betty Warren

·       Minutes from the April 4, 2005 are to be amended as follows:

Correct the spelling of Tim Shepard’s name.

·       Evans spoke with two attorneys regarding the I.R.S. alternative minimum tax law and how it may be a concern to landowners when selling land or development rights to the Town.  It was suggested to Evans that she contact a Certified Public Accountant who would be more qualified to address this issue. Evans is awaiting a communication from Bob Starr, CPA, to discuss this matter.  She will report back to the Task Force with information on this pending matter.

Botteron also communicated with David Platt, Esq. about this subject matter and he also suggested that a Certified Public Accountant would be the best source for this information.    

·       Botteron reported that the Town Manager recently wrote letters to several property owners identified on the Prospective Properties for Conservation/Preservation maps located in the Open Space Master Plan to see if these owners are interested in selling.  These properties may be eligible for an application for the Department of Environmental Protection Open Space and Watershed Grants.
He is awaiting response to these letters.   

·       Botteron wrote letters to U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman and U. S. Congressman John Larson requesting information about agricultural development rights grants.  She has also spoken with State Representative Bill Aman and he mentioned that there would be monies available to eligible towns for the years 2005 and 2006: five million dollars per year for agriculture development rights and ten million per year for Department of Environmental Protection Open Space and Watershed grants.

Botteron also spoke with the Town Manager and he is working with the Town Attorney for the Town to pursue a development rights program.  He will keep Botteron informed.

Botteron has spoken with Town staff member Jeff Folger and he stated that he has information available on the United States Department of Agriculture grant projects.

·       Botteron spoke with Town Attorney Barry Guliano and he is looking into the name change for the Open Space Task Force.  Botteron will keep the members updated on the results.

·       Botteron announced the recipients of the Eugene Policelli Service Award.

·       Gantick reported the DEP was involved with live capture and inventory of the Eastern and New England rabbit population at the Donnelly Preserve.  He also reported that boy scouts are available to incorporate new trails on this parcel.  The Town Staff is also looking into reserving a spot for sledding.  Reichle reported that the Town has use of a grass-seeding machine.  Low maintenance, summer season grass will be planted for wildlife habitat on this property. Daffodils have been planted around the gazebo and are in full bloom.

Gantick reported the girl scouts would like to make a primitive campsite on the Barton property.  Staff is working with the scout leaders on this project.

Wapping Park’s former pasture is being mowed for hay. The Town is eligible to receive a payment of $80 per acre from NRCS if we do not harvest the hay until August. Reichle noted that he will probably allow half to be hayed, and the other half will wait till August to take advantage of the payment.  Also, through a WHIP grant, soil erosion will be contained on the banks of the Podunk River.

·       Reichle reported that the court has ruled on litigation on a proposed golf course on property for which the State owns the agricultural rights.  The golf course cannot be built.
·       Banach reported that it appears that the 1.8 acres of open space for Joseph Lane Subdivision located on Nevers Road will not be reconfigured.

*       Botteron asked the members if they would like to prepare an educational booth in the Strawberry Festival at Nevers Road Park on June 11th.   The consensus was in favor of this idea.  Asplund, who is a member of the festival’s planning committee, will look into the availability of space.  Botteron will keep the Task Force members informed of Asplund’s response.  If this can be accomplished, Botteron will coordinate materials and manpower.
Next scheduled meeting will be June 6, 2005. Members agreed that summer meetings may be cancelled unless there is urgent business to be acted upon by the Task Force.